MacBook Face/Off
Recently I purchased a MacBook to replace my 15" Powerbook. After a few days of using it I have found a problem.

It seems the frame around my screen comes off way too easy.

I first noticed that on the left hand bottom side that it seems to not be attached. I put my fingernail in there and started to move it up. When I started hearing clicking noises I got scared. Then I realized it was snapping out of place. I've heard of problems that range from overheating, whining, audio out sucks, and now this. I'm sure all the other ones are made this way but do not go and jack up your new Mac.

It seems the frame around my screen comes off way too easy.

I first noticed that on the left hand bottom side that it seems to not be attached. I put my fingernail in there and started to move it up. When I started hearing clicking noises I got scared. Then I realized it was snapping out of place. I've heard of problems that range from overheating, whining, audio out sucks, and now this. I'm sure all the other ones are made this way but do not go and jack up your new Mac.