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Daily Clicks

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Report: Restaurants Should Shrink Portions

Full Story

Just make sure you shrink prices at the same time.  I'm all for smaller portion sizes though.  I'm not so sure adding healthier items would do much.  In the end if someone wants to sit down and eat a whole pizza that is what they are going to do.

Bush Backs Federal Marriage Amendment

Full story here

What do you think?  I'm not crazy about same sex marriages getting special rights or treatment but should we go so far as to change the constitution?  That seems a bit major.


I've been playing around with advertisements here as a test bed and somehow an add got entered as a post.  I have no idea how that hapopened.  If the ads seem to crazy for you I'm sorry but like I said I'm kinda using this as a test bed.

Dlink DWL-G710

How to hook up a XboX or Playstation or other similar wired ethernet device to a DWL-G710 Wireless Range Extender.  You don't.  After spending 30 minutes on hold with Belkin tech support I learned that there is no way to do this.  If anyone knows otherwise let me know,but the DWL-G710 is going back to the store within 30 days ;)