Has the NSA Been Watching You Surf
Wired has an article about how to know if the NSA is secretly spying on you. Basically what it comes down to is this. On your windows box goto Start/Run and type in "CMD" without the quotes. Then run the command "tracert nsa.gov", again without the quotes. If you see sffca.ip.att.net then your packets are being snooped upon. They also mention that if you have any traffic from att.net then there is a good chance you are being watched as well. If you are runnning Mac OSX open up Netwrok Utility and do a Trace Route to nsa.gov. Basically a Trace Route does exactly what it sounds like. It traces the route between your computer to any address on the internet and will show you where you traffic is funneling through along the way. Anywhere along there people can see what you are doing. So be wary of that next time you are doing something on the internet you wouldn't want other people to know about. If you are on linux you already know the proper commands to check ;)
Tagged with Computer, NSA, Illegal, Internet, security
Tagged with Computer, NSA, Illegal, Internet, security
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